Here's a sneak peak to what's inside!

Chapter 1 - Intro

Overcoming the Status Quo

Chapter 2 - Warmup

Let's Get You Ready to Run Warm up and Shotgun

Chapter 3 - Preseason

Now You're Running The Subtle Art of the MicrodoseThe Wonders of WeightliftingActive Recovery is What You Need to DO!

Chapter 4 - In-Season

Keep Gonig, You're Almost There Run Like KipchogeRace DayRun Like a Robot: Running Mechanics

Chapter 5 - Post-Season

Congratulations, You Did It!


Chapter 6 - The Body: A&P 101

Anatomy and Physiology 101: Science is your friend to understand your bodyPostpartum

Chapter 7- Appendix

KMT Marathon ProtocolSelf Diagnosis and Mobility Section Dietician Q&AFootwear